Four Relaxation Techniques to Keep in Your Back Pocket

Here are a few techniques to remember and use whenever you’re feeling your stress levels rise. Implementing these can help bring you a sense of control when you’re feeling otherwise out-of-control.

  1. Play some baroque music. Baroque pulses between 50-80 beats per minute, which is close to the rate our heart beats. This rhythmic state helps us to shift to a more relaxed and focused state of being. Try some Haydn, Bach, or early Beethoven.

  2. Intentional aromas. Sara Rose of the book Stress Relief says, “Smell molecules travel along the olfactory pathways and directly into the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that controls memories, instincts, and vital functions.” Use a smell that helps remind you of a fun memory or someone you love, or use smells to initiate relaxation. Try essential oils, soy candles, or incense.

  3. Remind yourself what is in your locus of control, you. This is all we can control. Fighting to control anything else is exhausting and creates more anxiety. You can remind yourself of this through the use of a visual. Draw one circle inside another. In the inner circle, draw everything you are in control of. In the outer circle, draw everything you can’t control. Focus your energy and thoughts on what is in the inner circle.

  4. Square breathing. Draw a square in your mind’s eye or on paper. On the first line of the square, breath in for 4 counts. On the second line, hold your breath for 4 counts. On the third line, release your breath for 4 seconds. On the last line, breath neither in our out, just rest. Repeat until you feel more relaxed.