EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique “Tapping”

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”
— Maya Angelou

How does EFT Tapping work?

EFT works with energy that is stored in our bio-field. We can see energy measured in the bio-field through MRI, EEG’s, and EKG’s. EFT provides regulation and grounding to the body. When you bring stress, trauma, addiction, limiting beliefs, or anxiety forward, there’s a low grade Fight or Flight response initiated. The part of the brain that initiates the automatic part of the fight or flight response, the amygdala, can't distinguish between a real threat and a perceived threat. Sometimes the perceived threat is so intense it triggers a "freeze" response. When this is held in the body, it turns symptomatic. When we tap on meridian points while focusing on a certain issue (gentle exposure), we are sending a signal to the amygdala that we are safe. This exercise regulates and rewires the brain. It allows the issue at hand to be integrated into our life and not hold so much power. The brain and body have now been calmed. In some ways, tapping is similar to acupuncture. Like tapping, acupuncture achieves healing through stimulating the body’s meridians and energy flow. However, there are no needles in tapping!

What is the goal of EFT Tapping?

The goal of EFT Tapping is to help people reside in the Optimal Arousal Zone. In the Optimal Arousal Zone we experience peacefulness, mindfulness, connection, and resilience. Mental illness makes our life smaller, and we can end up getting stuck and existing in two undesirable places. The first is the hypoarousal zone. The hypoarousal zone is an extreme parasympathetic response characterized by a significant decrease in our heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. The second place we can get stuck in is the hyperarousal zone, The hyperarousal zone is characterized by an extreme sympathetic response resulting in severe physiological changes which include significant increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and hormone levels. EFT Tapping can bring regulation that can keep us from entering and existing in these two extreme zones.

Please reach out if you have any questions about EFT Tapping or if you would like to set up an EFT Tapping session.

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